Wednesday, December 2, 2015


We had an absolutely wonderful relaxing Thanksgiving and I hope you did too. We went to Lake Guntersville and stayed in a GORGEOUS lake house. It was so fun to have all my nephews and nieces, my sisters & brothers in law, and in-laws all in the same house. I am glad to be back home because all those kids together is pretty loud and eventually we'd need our own space! ;-) lol. All kidding aside, it was a great trip and I'm looking forward to the next one...which won't come nearly as soon as I'd like it to. The guys and kids loved fishing off the dock and the girls enjoyed the guys not being too far away! Our fishermen like to spend all day doing their hobbies so it was nice to be close.

I've been trying to get our Christmas tree up all week with not so much progress. I love this time of year but it takes a lot of time and energy to put up a tree(s). I'm not sure how those of you who go all out do it! 

I've been overjoyed with thankfulness to God this week for allowing me to stay at home with JohnDavid. I had someone tell me a few months ago that they'd never seen someone enjoy motherhood like I do. While I'm certain I'm not the only one who enjoys motherhood, she is right that I very much enjoy it. For as long as I can remember I've wanted to "just be a wife and mommy." I know I am so much more than "just a wife and mommy," but I don't desire anything else. And I owe it all the God. He's the Giver of all good gifts and I've certainly been blessed. I have to address Him being the Giver of good gifts though, if He took it all away tomorrow, He'd still be good because that's Who He is. 

I let JohnDavid "decorate" his tree today nstead of doing it for him and the outcome is indeed precious! He didn't want the ornaments hung on the tree but rather stuffed IN the tree. So, there's one side FULL of balls and an upside down snowman and another side with only the ornaments I hung. :-) I hope I remember the way he got so happy over this tree and how proud he was of himself. I hope I remember so much about this toddler stage...the way he signs "more" and "please", the way he says "I wuv oo", the way he runs/waddles, the way he squeezes our necks so tightly, the way he holds my hand, the way he belly laughs and squints his eyes when he's laughing, how tender hearted he is, how silly he is, how much of a jokester he is (and is going to be!), and oh those priceless kisses. Lord, please let my memory not fail me and let me soak all this in! 

Anyhow, time to go finish our tree *hopefully*!!! Happy Advent Season!

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