Saturday, February 27, 2016

JohnDavid's first fishing trip!

How in the word is it possible that he's big enough to take fishing?? I cannot believe in 7 weeks he will be 2! What a fun age! He loved almost every minute of fishing today! Life as his mommy is so much fun! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

An Unplanned Sabbatical

It's always so amazing how quickly time flies. I didn't intend for it to be 6 weeks until my next post but life happened and I'm okay with that. I've really tried to live in the moment in the last few years instead of following a strict schedule. I used to plan things SO in advance (not to be confused with being on time) and now I might be a *little* to lackadaisical, but I'm trying to find a balance. Although I still have to say I don't procrastinate AS MUCH as I used to. I love lists and checking things off. So, like normal, I listed a few "goals" or "resolutions" out at the beginning of the year and I've been surprised at my motivation to complete them...perhaps it's still because I don't spend much time on social media (although, I've spent more time on there recently than I care to, but it IS so much easier to plan events and send messages and yada yada, right??). Mostly, I think it's because I've recently begun a Bible study with a few girlfriends called "No Other Gods" by Kelly Minter and I'm discovering more and more "things," "stuff," "idols" that I have. I've realized to be lazy is an idol I struggle with. Oh, I struggle with food and social media; they are a close second and third...or to be more realistic, those three fight for first position among my idols. Anyhow, I wanted to share most of my resolutions and an update on them...just to share for one, but also to remind myself of where I was, where I'm headed, what I need to do, etc. 

Resolutions for 2016:

  1. Read the Bible through. Sadly this has been on my list for YEARS and I've yet to complete it. (to date, I'm keeping up with my reading (sometimes I have to catch up and read a few days at a time, but I'm trucking along and am in Numbers now!)
  2. Read 20 or more books. (to date, I've completed 2 books and I'm on number 3. The first book I read was "You Can't Make Me But I Can Be Persuaded" by Cynthia Tobias. Easy read, but the logic behind it wasn't for me. I should mention it's about parenting strong-willed children. The second book I read was "Surprised By The Healer" by Linda Dillow and Juli Slattery. Hands down, this is my favorite book by Authentic Intimacy yet! Each of us is affected personally or relationally by sexual brokenness. There is ONE Healer and His name is Jehovah Rapha. I can't sing the praises of this book enough...not because of the bravery of the nine women who shared their story, but because of the One they point to in this book. I'm currently reading "Bringing Up Boys" by James Dobson and I love it so far!)
  3. Become a little more domesticated, such as putting away peas, canning tomatoes into tomato sauce, make homemade buttermilk biscuits, and use my crock pot more.  (to date, I've not even attempted to be more domesticated yet...wait, I did make spaghetti sauce from scratch...does that count? I'm thinking this one will really be active in the summer when it's time for all those veggies! But I could get on the crock pot and biscuits attempts!)
  4. Sell our house! (to date, our house went up for sale on Feb. 1! Super proud of this one!)
  5. Save $1500 (to date, we have almost $500 saved up already and if we keep going at the same rate, we will save $3900 this year alone...perhaps wanting a new house has motivated me?? ;) )
  6. Be present/in the moment more.  (to date, I'd like to say that I've done this well, but honestly, I feel that I could've done better. Thankfully, it's only February and I have time to improve.)
I'm so so grateful to God for all that He has blessed us with. I'm so thankful for a hard working husband (who is also a student!) who works so tirelessly to provide for our family. I'm so grateful for our little boy who is pure JOY! I'm so thankful that I get to stay at home with him and teach him. I'm thankful for our families. I'm deeply thankful for a few godly friendships I have with some precious women, especially one relationship that hasn't always been easy or fruitful. (if you're reading this, I truly love you, JW and I'm thankful for you!) I'm humbled by the Lord's goodness to me today. Maybe it's the "Love is in the Air" Valentine's thing...haha, just's called "I've been saved by grace" and I realize what a GIFT this is!