Wednesday, December 23, 2015

My Favorite Tradition!

Tonight kicked off one of my most favorite times of the year...Christmas gatherings with family. When I was a kid we had so many places to be all in the same day, the 25th, so when I got married I set out to do things a bit differently. I don't like to be in a rush to open gifts or rush my time spent with family. I just want to soak it in and fellowship. Thankfully, it's almost always gone my way since getting hitched almost 8 years ago. ;-) This year is no exception...we had Christmas with Jeremy's parents tonight. I so wish my brother and sister in law and nieces and nephew from Arkansas were here to join us, but I am so glad that one brother and sister in law and two nephews are here! Tomorrow evening we have Christmas with the Sullivan clan...and boy are there lots of us! When I first met this bunch TEN years ago (wow time flies!), I was SO overwhelmed by the number of people in Jeremy's family. Ever seen a big flock of black birds flying together? Well, there's like 17,595 of them all at once...I used to tell Jeremy that's what his family was like. Fast forward to today and I couldn't be more thankful to be one of those black birds. :-P Anyhow, Friday morning we will have Christmas at our house with my family and we will visit my dad's side of the family around lunch. I'm so excited for JohnDavid to open gifts this year! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he gets a JEEP and a real beta fish (that I hope I don't kill)! Life is really so much more fun with a kid!

I wanted to share an ornament tradition that my mother started with us. Every year for as long as I can remember, my mom has given us (my brother, me, Jeremy got added to the list when we got hitched, and JohnDavid now as well!) an ornament for something that was significant from our year. For instance, when I turned 16 and got a drivers license, my ornament that year was Santa driving a red convertible (the only red convertible they would buy me). Or the year I got a cell phone, I have an ornament with a mouse and a phone. She's bought us "just married" ornaments, "soon to be parents" ornaments, and SO many other special things. I just love love love this tradition. I also buy ornaments for Jeremy and JohnDavid. Here's a pic of a few ornaments to explain what I mean:
Top left: from my mom to us in 2012 when we both killed a deer. Top right: from us to JohnDavid this year to remember his tractor fascination. Middle left: from me to J in 2009 when he became a deacon. Middle middle: for us in 2011 when we got a motorcycle. Middle right: for J last year when he was on a workout obsession! ;-) Bottom left: J's love for grilling in 2010 and JohnDavid's obsession with Nemo this year from Ma, and bottom right: when J became a teacher at the college in 2009.

This year was a little hard for me to decide what to give Jeremy so I ended up just buying a family ornament. This ornament will always be special to bears the short memory of our second baby. I couldn't decide what to write on the baby's hat so the lady that I bought it from just wrote Sullivan <3 . I suppose it'll do...although I've thought about erasing "Sullivan" and just putting the heart on there. I really am at peace with the Lord's sovereign plan for this child...but I find myself pondering tonight what the gender of our baby would be, what those kicks would feel like, how sweet that round belly would be, how JohnDavid would love this baby so much...
I hope that the Lord blesses my womb again someday, but should He choose not to, He is still good. I'm ever so thankful for the one blessing we have to hold each night and for the one blessing we will get to hold someday. 

What Christmas traditions do you have and love?

Friday, December 18, 2015

She's So Right...

I was reading an article from just a moment ago and her article couldn't have been more relevant for me in this season of parenting. The saying "the days are long but the years are short" is oh so true. JohnDavid is now 20 months old...that's 4 months shy of TWO! I can't remember life before him and it seems as though I've always been his mommy, and yet it really does seem like he just got here! Anyhow, this stage of toddlerhood for us has it's difficult moments, hours, days, and weeks. As mommy, I'm included in the difficult moments. I'm not always the mother I should be. It takes so much persistence and consistency to parent, especially biblically, and though I'd like to think I'm doing a good job, there are times when I'm not simply because it's easier. I very much appreciate her aspect on disobedience and how sinful we all are, even those tiny precious babies of ours. ;-)

Happy Friday, friends. We're off to our choir Christmas party.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Book Review

I meant to post this a while back but life happened. I wish sometimes that my brain could type out my blogs for me as I think them. ;-) I like New Years Resolutions (or goals)...I don't have a clue why because I don't keep any of them but I guess in my head new beginnings are encouraging. One of my goals for 2015 was to read LOTS of books (like 30!). Twenty months into this stay at home wife/mom thing and I'm still terrible at realizing how much time I have or don't have and how to use it. I'm going to tame my number down for next years' goal. Anyhow, I did FINISH a book recently and thought I'd review it a little bit.

The book was "Paper Towns" by John Green. I read "The Fault In Our Stars" and really liked it so I assumed I'd like this one too. WRONG. I really liked the plot but it didn't go anywhere at all. And the language was SO awful. Every word imaginable was used...GD, F, etc. and very crude sexual statements. I wanted to read a few more of his books this year but I'm really not getting in a hurry to do so after reading this one. I can't say that I won't give his books another try but it'll be a while!

I'm currently reading "See Me" by Nicholas Sparks. So far it's been great but Nicholas Sparks has a way of suckering me into these books that end terribly tragic. :-)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Your Grace Is Enough

I had an outpatient test done today and found myself increasingly nervous while on my way to the hospital. I'd shared my appointment with a few family members and a few friends a few weeks ago and asked them to pray while I myself have been praying as well. I asked those same people today to pray for me today before my test since I was nervous. I dropped JohnDavid off with my mom and continued on my way to the hospital. I wanted to sing to the Lord so I hit play on the CD player not knowing what was on there and every song I sang (5 in total before arriving at the hospital) was spot on to my heart, His glory, His will, His love, His peace...and by the time I arrived in the room awaiting my test I found myself no longer a ball of anxious nervousness. Jesus is the Author of Peace; He is Peace and I had peace today because I have Jesus. What about you? I'm so thankful to have a husband that prays for me and sends me encouragement straight from Scripture. I'm so blessed to have a godly man that always points me to Jesus. I'm so thankful for all of my family and friends that prayed for me today. I'm so thankful that the God of this Universe not only heard my petitions and the petitions lifted up on my behalf but He answered them! Doesn't that astound you? That the Creator of all things we know hears the prayers of His people and He answers them. I received very good news from my test and I'm also thankful for that, but like I shared yesterday: if God took everything I have away today He would still be good because of Who He is. I want so badly to be smitten with this God that loves me and you SO much. Christmas is a beautiful season and I love to spend this time of the year pondering more of Christ the King. Overwhelmed with thankfulness once again.

To God alone be the glory for the things He has done!!!! With His blood He has saved me, with His power He has raised me! To God be the glory for the things He has done!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


We had an absolutely wonderful relaxing Thanksgiving and I hope you did too. We went to Lake Guntersville and stayed in a GORGEOUS lake house. It was so fun to have all my nephews and nieces, my sisters & brothers in law, and in-laws all in the same house. I am glad to be back home because all those kids together is pretty loud and eventually we'd need our own space! ;-) lol. All kidding aside, it was a great trip and I'm looking forward to the next one...which won't come nearly as soon as I'd like it to. The guys and kids loved fishing off the dock and the girls enjoyed the guys not being too far away! Our fishermen like to spend all day doing their hobbies so it was nice to be close.

I've been trying to get our Christmas tree up all week with not so much progress. I love this time of year but it takes a lot of time and energy to put up a tree(s). I'm not sure how those of you who go all out do it! 

I've been overjoyed with thankfulness to God this week for allowing me to stay at home with JohnDavid. I had someone tell me a few months ago that they'd never seen someone enjoy motherhood like I do. While I'm certain I'm not the only one who enjoys motherhood, she is right that I very much enjoy it. For as long as I can remember I've wanted to "just be a wife and mommy." I know I am so much more than "just a wife and mommy," but I don't desire anything else. And I owe it all the God. He's the Giver of all good gifts and I've certainly been blessed. I have to address Him being the Giver of good gifts though, if He took it all away tomorrow, He'd still be good because that's Who He is. 

I let JohnDavid "decorate" his tree today nstead of doing it for him and the outcome is indeed precious! He didn't want the ornaments hung on the tree but rather stuffed IN the tree. So, there's one side FULL of balls and an upside down snowman and another side with only the ornaments I hung. :-) I hope I remember the way he got so happy over this tree and how proud he was of himself. I hope I remember so much about this toddler stage...the way he signs "more" and "please", the way he says "I wuv oo", the way he runs/waddles, the way he squeezes our necks so tightly, the way he holds my hand, the way he belly laughs and squints his eyes when he's laughing, how tender hearted he is, how silly he is, how much of a jokester he is (and is going to be!), and oh those priceless kisses. Lord, please let my memory not fail me and let me soak all this in! 

Anyhow, time to go finish our tree *hopefully*!!! Happy Advent Season!

Monday, November 23, 2015

It Was Time...

For our sweet boy to have his first haircut so that's what I did today! I don't think I did too bad! I got the scissors, small clippers (or electric shaver...or whatever it is!), a comb, and detangler spray and went to work while he napped! I'm glad I didn't attempt this while he was awake or attempt to pay someone else do it! I had one *small* spot I wanted to fix when he woke and the slightest touch of ANYTHING to his neck made him cringe. I should've thought of this because his neck is one of our favorite places to tickle him! Anywho, it still looks good! 

I love this kid of ours so much. He's going to be a jokester just like his dad (and so many other relatives (; ) Thank you God for this good and perfect gift from You!

Monday, November 16, 2015

When I Am Weak, He Is Strong!

Today was one of those long days as a stay at home mom because JohnDavid didn't feel good and because I began my day without Jesus. I left my Bible at church last night along with my current devotional book and notebook and I felt lost without it this morning...even though we have other Bibles here at home I could've used, I chose not to "because it's just not the same as MY Bible that I write all in." Honestly, I know better by now than to even attempt to do anything without Jesus but I'm oh so sinful. Sweet JohnDavid coughed all night and all day, was really clingy and whiny, and by the time bedtime rolled around I felt like an overdone steak. Today wasn't all that bad now that I'm looking back on it, but in the moments when I was frustrated I see how weak I am without Jesus. The truth is I'm ALWAYS weak without Jesus. I'm even weak WITH Jesus but it's then that I'm supposed to lean into Him and His strength! I LOVE these words of Paul:

“Therefore, so that I would not exalt myself, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to torment me so I would not exalt myself. Concerning this, I pleaded with the Lord three times to take it away from me. But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me. So I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, catastrophes, persecutions, and in pressures, because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 HCSB

When I don't seek Him or lean into Him, I don't see His strength let alone feel strong or victorious. I told Jeremy this evening that I had gone in the negative with housework today and that I had some bad mama moments and his sweet, understanding reply was: "That's what tomorrow is for." Y'all...this man of mine gets me. He KNOWS what I need to hear and SAYS it. He's good to me and he's good for me. 

One highlight of today was while JohnDavid and I were outside. I was pulling weeds and JohnDavid began to yell "Pawpaw! Pawpaw! Pawpaw!" I looked up and saw Jeremy's pawpaw walking up his driveway to move his garbage can and JohnDavid took off down the hill towards his house. So I got up in a hurry and didn't grab my phone (camera) or even my glasses. And you know what? There were several times I wanted to have my phone with me for snapping photos of this all boy of ours knee deep in dirt, sitting on a "mawnmower", playing with nerf guns with Pawpaw, or begging me to "ride Mama" in a Step 2 toy that had to be pushed. But since I didn't have my camera I actually got to be ALL IN in the moment and it's an afternoon I won't soon forget. Those big brown eyes and long lashes, the way he runs,  the way he says "mawnmower" and "pishies", the way Pawpaw laughs and grins at him, the way JohnDavid lays in the dirt pushing Tonka trunks...the stories Pawpaw tells me of the days gone by...these are the sweetest times as a stay at home mama. I'm so thankful I get to do this every single day. I'm also really thankful that JohnDavid has so many grandparents and great grandparents that we get to visit with on a weekly basis! I love to hear stories from my grandparents and Jeremy's grandparents and the "good ol' days." We are so blessed and I was reminded of God's love for me in this afternoon. Nevertheless, I was happy to lay our snotty, congested, coughing boy down for bed and unwind. Tomorrow I plan to begin my day right...right in the Word of the Lord asking Him for His strength for the day because I know I can't do it on my own. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Smitten with you!

Almost 19 months ago I gave birth to our handsome son. I still have to pinch myself that this is our life. I've never wanted nothing more than to be a wife and mommy. And both, being a wife and a mommy, have been far more magnificent than I ever dreamed. I'm so thankful for this season and for the little boy that still loves to be draped in our arms. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Picture day!

It's no secret I love to take pictures, have pictures taken, look at pictures, etc.. My mom paid for a photographer to take pictures at JohnDavid's first birthday party back in April and I really loved the pictures and the photographer, Wilson Oppert. (Local peeps: if you need pics use Wilson Oppert Photography!) When it came time for our fall pics (to be used for our Christmas cards) I knew who I was going to call! Here's a sneak peek from our session yesterday: 

My sister-in-law, Jennifer, brother-in-law, Johnathan, and my nephews, Jansen and Jaken, also had their pics taken and I can't wait to see the pics Wilson got of the cousins! Here's a sneak pic of them: 

Aren't they adorable?? I'm a little biased but I sure think they are! ❤️

Anyhow, it's still rainy here but God is faithful to shine even when the sun doesn't! Happy Sunday! 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

It's raining, it's pouring...

Today was kind of gloomy for us and the rain didn't help that. Our pastor of 7+ years is resigning and our hearts hurt. I absolutely believe it is God's will for him to do so, for God's glory and for the good of their family, but man it stinks. Jeremy and I can't express how much we love our pastor and his family. We simply cannot say in words what his teachings, encouragement, mentorship, and their friendship has meant to us spiritually and in our marriage. 

Nevertheless, JohnDavid is a bright spot in our days. He LOVED the rain and loved getting wet. Hope your Sunday was a wonderful day!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Life is good today!

I tried to drink my coffee warm almost 10 times this morning and that's no exaggeration. I never did finish it but I did find it in the microwave at 2:14pm! This week has been so busy for me between housework and the fall festival at top off my exhaustion JohnDavid's been into lots of "fun" things this week, such as a HOT PINK SHARPIE on our KHAKI couch! In case you're wondering, alcohol, fingernail polish remover, and toothpaste with baking soda will ALMOST get it out when scrubbed to death. 😁 But you know what? I wouldn't trade a single moment of this life of mine for anything. Some days are long as a mom, but the years are short. Soon the sight of our little boy pushing this lawnmower will be a faint memory. 
So, for now, I soak up the numerous kisses that follow a spanking because he knows he has done wrong and he wants to make it better, I soak up the snuggles and giggles and fascination with bugs, I soak up the fact that he's wants "mama" all day and to nurse so much, and I soak up every line of Nemo (we've watched it for over a year now, literally) because tomorrow he'll be a bit more grown. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

On the road again...

I feel like JohnDavid and I have become nomads. From Georgia to Texas to South Carolina and now to Arkansas all in about 5 weeks time span! One thing I've noticed in all these places (and I'm certain Arkansas will be the same) is that people are the same no matter where you go. People are people. People are looking for happiness everywhere. The people in South Carolina aren't much different than the people in South Alabama. Every one of us has a story. Every one of us has problems. And thankfully, there is ONE solution for us all. JESUS. Jesus is the ONLY One who can satisfy all of us. Do you know Him? I'd love to share Him with you if you don't.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Authentic Intimacy!

My most favorite Christian ministry for women is Authentic Intimacy. I'm incredibly passionate about having a godly marriage and God's design for intimacy. I strive to be the Smokin' Hot Mama described in Song of Solomon (my "Passion Pursuit" friends will understand what I mean!) and I long to share what I have learned along the way with others.

If you haven't heard of Authentic Intimacy, you must check it out! For you, your spouse, your kids, your friends, etc.. There is someone you know that will benefit from this ministry! A good friend of mine asked me to join her and a few friends in a Bible study called "Passion Pursuit" written by Dr. Juli Slattery and Linda Dillow (founders of Authentic Intimacy). The study was A-MAZING. Biblical. Practical. Marriage changing. Eye opening. And did I mention A-MAZING? I was so moved by their mission and their heart for women and marriages and intimacy that I took the study to my church and lead a small group of 4 women through it. We've just recently finished and my hope is that each of those women take the study and share it with 4 more! 

A popular book of erotica is "50 Shades of Grey" and in response to this book, Dr. Juli Slattery and Dannah Gresh wrote "Pulling Back the Shades". I was chosen to be on the book launch team of "Pulling Back the Shades" earlier this year and I was just chosen to be on the new book launch team by Authentic Intimacy called "25 Questions You're Afraid to Ask About Sex, Love, and Intimacy" by Dr. Juli Slattery. I'm so excited about the opportunity to share with the social world and my real life relationships about this book. Perhaps the thing I love most about Authentic Intimacy is that these ladies share the Gospel and they don't shy away from the tough stuff!

Check out their website and the new book! I'd love to answer any questions you may have about the resources I've used through Authentic Intimacy!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Gardening for my heart!

It's such a nice afternoon I decided I'd weed my overgrown flower beds while JohnDavid played. I collected the weeds in his John Deere wagon and upon finishing I found my helper's shoes placed neatly on top. 😊 Weeding hurts my back (like that's anything new!) but it's therapeutic to my mind and soul. I realize how weeds look so similar to the plants, I realize how many weeds are present when I'm up close and personal with the flower bed, and I realize how even the smallest weed has the longest root. The same is true for our spiritual lives. Our sin roots are deep...even for those "small sins." It's easy to miss how flawed we are when we view ourselves from afar but when we examine our hearts and minds up close we realize how wicked and sinful we are. And Satan crafts sins to be almost as pretty (if not prettier...ask Eve!) as the godly things. I'm thankful for my time in the flower bed today. I'm thankful those ugly weeds/sins don't have the last say. I'm thankful for my Redeemer and that I know He lives! 

Thursday, September 17, 2015


A friend told me over dinner last night that I was doing a good job with JohnDavid. Her words of affirmation and encouragement couldn't have come at a better time as I was beyond exhausted and weary from the consistency required in disciplining a toddler. Isn't it nice to have friends that encourage us? And isn't it nice that God sends those encouragements at just the right time? When was the last time someone encouraged you? When was the last time you encouraged someone?

Motherhood is exhausting but I'm so thankful I get to be a mommy to this silly all boy toddler! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


(image found on google)

There's a lady at church that is always radiant with joy. My fellow Providence members will know who I'm talking about without even saying much more. It doesn't matter what she has faced or how bad her external circumstances are, she is absolutely JOYFUL. I'm convinced she sweats the radiance of Jesus. Oh how encouraging she is. I'd love to be so saturated in Him that I sweat His radiance. This past Sunday I spent a few moments talking to her and I told her I hoped she had a good week. Her reply was : "Oh I'll have a good week!" I told her how much I loved seeing her joy and how encouraged I was by her confidence in the Lord. This is a woman who fights her battles on her knees and from the victorious stance she has in Christ. I want that. What about YOU? Where do you fight your battles? Too often I fight them with my mouth venting or with my fingers texting instead of with my knees bowed in submission and prayer to the One who already knows my battles and has won the ultimate victory. To type this vulnerability out makes me feel silly that I wouldn't go straight to my knees, but I identify with Paul so much from Romans 7:

15 For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. 16 Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. 17 So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. 18 For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.
21 So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. 22 For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, 23 but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin. ESV
If Paul, the great apostle, struggled with sin, you can rest assured that I struggle. I really would love to run to Jesus as a first response instead of when I'm at the end of my rope with all my weakness exposed, but too often I just don't. Once again, I identify with Paul from 1 Corinthians 12: 
So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations,[a] a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. ESV
I can't tell you the number of time recently I've sat down in the rocker to rock my sweet JohnDavid and just felt utterly weak. I ask the Lord to remind me that when I am weak, He is strong. I hope at some point during my sanctification I learn to go to God before I'm weak and exhausted and stained with so many sins, but if not, it's comforting to know that when I can't go on anymore, He can. I read this blog today and just loved it so I wanted to share: 
Whatever your load is (homeschool, marriage, raising children, work inside the home, work outside the home, etc.) this is the truest statement:

"The truth is, My Load is heavy for me, too. And it is by the grace of God I carry it."

Let us carry our loads for His glory! Let us fill up with Him so that we spew His joy for others to see. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Family is so grand!

Jeremy and I are so blessed to have such wonderful families. And JohnDavid is so blessed to have so many that love him! 

Today's post is nothing but photos from our fun day with family! 

The best uncle Mike ever! I'm so proud of my little brother! 
JohnDavid LOVED uncle Mike's truck!
We celebrated 50¢ corn dogs from Sonic today with Granny! JohnDavid thoroughly enjoyed vacuuming and mopping at her house as well as her fenced in yard! 
Waiting (im)patiently on the "buggy" to be fixed! 
Telling pawpaw what the buggy says! 
Laughing at the best Uncle Leamon!
And running from the best uncle Ernie!
My handyman is so sexy! 😉
Finally, a quick buggy ride before bedtime in his new big boy bed! 
I swear it seems like he just got here and now he runs and argues back in his own language and so many other things. I wish they didn't grow so fast! 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

As The Deer

I found myself humming "As The Deer" while holding and rocking my sleeping "baby" a little longer tonight. I'm reminded how much I want to be that thirsty for God. I've realized how swiftly life passes in the last 16 months. JohnDavid has literally grown up before my eyes and it seems to have happened over night. Yet, it seems he's always been here and I don't remember life before him nor do I remember much of his "baby" days. I find these truths of life to be bittersweet. My failing memory is so frustrating. JohnDavid is very much a toddler these days. He still needs and wants me a lot but it sure isn't as much as those early days. He used to cling to the comfort of my breast and now he clings to my face with those tiny hands or my neck with those arms wrapped so tightly. He used to smell like a baby (moms, you know what I mean) and now he smells like a boy when he's been outside or the taco he just ate. He loves to be close to my face when he's falling asleep but he loves his space, independence and prefers to walk rather than being carried. He does still like for us to be in eyesight but soon enough that will change! Even his beloved pacifier, affectionately known as Susi, gets pushed to the wayside sometimes. I long to soak up so much about him that I feel I forget it all. I never want to forget what it feels like to hold him this close. I never want to forget that tiny neck hug or the Eskimo kisses on that precious nose. I'm overjoyed that God chose me to be his mother. I love this little big boy so much more than I ever thought possible, so much more than I could ever explain...but there's Someone who loves him more. Jesus loves JohnDavid much more than I ever could or will. I'm reminded of how much I should cling to Jesus like JohnDavid does to me, and I'm also reminded how much Jesus loves me in the same way He loves JohnDavid. Pondering God and His love is so amazing and it indeed does make me "panteth" for Him.

🎶As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after thee
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship thee

You alone are my strength my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship thee

You're my friend and You are my brother,
Even though you are a king.
I love you more thank any other,
So much more than anything.

I want You more than gold or silver,
Only You can satisfy.
You alone are the real joy Giver,
And the apple of my eye.🎶

Monday, August 17, 2015

Marvelous Monday

Hey Hey Hey!

It's Monday already again! I used to dread Monday's when I worked outside of the home, but now that I don't, I look forward to Monday's for a couple of reasons (although, I miss my hubby and I miss hanging with our family that works!):

1) We get the bed all to ourselves after 6am, not that I don't LOVE it when all three of us are in the bed, but who doesn't love more room?? ;) Jeremy probably isn't buying my answer.

2) I'm reminded how blessed I am to stay at home every Monday...I don't have to drop my baby off or clock in anywhere or tend to anyone but JohnDavid and I love that. I listened to a podcast this morning and a specific part spoke to me about parenting. God doesn't call us to save our children or make them godly because we cannot do that; only He can save, but he does call us to be godly parents. That's my goal. What's yours?

We had a great weekend! Jeremy works 4 10 hour days and he's off every Friday! As much as I really liked him getting home at 4 every day, I do enjoy having him the whole day of Friday. (when he's not fishing!) ;) We spent this past Friday at Gulfarium in Ft. Walton, Florida. It wasn't as good as Gulf World in Panama City Beach, but we had a great time and that's all that counts! We enjoyed a kid-free weekend after that as JohnDavid stayed the night with Jeremy's parents Friday and my parents Saturday/Saturday night. We rode four wheelers until the wee hours of the morning like teenagers and loved every minute of it. Saturday we rode down to the beach with some good friends to celebrate a birthday! The beach was gorgeous except for the jellyfish stings! We enjoyed food, fellowship, and fun games including frisbee and arcade games at Dave and Busters. Sunday was a wonderful day of worship at Providence Baptist Church followed by a delicious lunch with the Sullivan clan.

Today, JohnDavid and I have been on the road. We have ran more than enough errands and he was such a trooper so we stopped at the park in Daleville to burn some energy! I noticed this afternoon his ear was draining...which means an ear infection since he has tubes already and they are draining out. This explains why he's not eaten much of anything in two days. Poor fella. Please pray the antibiotics work quickly and that he feels better soon! He's currently napping and I'm about to tackle some budgeting and decluttering. Hope your weekend was wonderful!

Thursday, August 13, 2015


“So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.” 1 Peter 2:1-3 ESV 

JohnDavid is such a sponge these days. He's learning something new every day it seems. It may be a new animal sound or a new type of truck or even a new word, but he is watching us closely and he is learning. I'm thankful for these days of teaching and learning although he takes after his mother in the sense that most of the time he's too stubborn to be taught; he wants to figure it out on his and do it by himself. Looking at JohnDavid, I'm reminded of the above passage in 1 Peter that tells us Christians to long for the pure milk of God's Word so that we may grow. Since removing ourselves from Facebook, we've been hungry for time in the Word alone and time together in the Word. I told Jeremy just this morning that I was enjoying the fruits from being in the Word so much this week. What about you? What are you hungry for? Do you long to spend more time with the One who created you? To quote John MacArthur on this passage: "We can't grow as Christians unless sin is renounced. When the purging takes place, then the Word does its work. Spiritual growth is always marked by a craving for and a delight in God's Word with the intensity with which a baby craves milk. A Christian develops a desire for the truth of God's word by remembering his life's source, eliminating sin from his life, admitting his need for God's truth, pursuing spiritual growth, and surveying his blessings." 

"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" Psalm 34:8

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Coming soon to a browser near you!

Check back soon for our first post!